Brief Overview

Every month on a Saturday, we’ll take a deep-dive as a local community, alternating months between a daylong meditation retreat and a “Sangha Service Day.”  Below is the upcoming Service Day schedule:

  • February 8 – Forest Park in NW Portland


Logistical Info for Next Service Day

Dates: February 8th, 9-12pm
Location: Forest Park in NW Portland
Registration: Required!  Visit this link to register.

Brief Summary:

For this service day, we’ll be joining Portland Parks & Rec to plant native plants in Forest Park.  Rain or shine, what a beautiful use of time and energy to go into the forest and do something wholesome with community!

I’ll be on retreat/gone for this one, though a community member is coordinating.  You can either just register and show up, or if you want to coordinate with others in the Sangha, hop on the “Portland Sangha” section of the community Discord, where they are discussing it.

Visit here for more info specific info.


Sangha Service Days Mission Statement

On the Sangha Service Days, we’ll do a community service project with a local non-profit organization / wholesome cause.  There are two main purposes to the Sangha Service Days:

  1. To put into action the Buddha’s teaching on “sīla,” aka virtuous action, and give back to the community with a spirit of generosity and loving-kindness.
  2. To have an opportunity to gather together more informally, develop natural connections, and touch into how when the Buddha was asked if Spiritual Friendship was half of the path, he replied that it was actually the entire path.

*As a note, in Buddhism, “sangha” is considered one of the three jewels or pillars of the entire tradition — it loosely translates as “spiritual community.”


Past Service Days